Ask 9/10 people and they will all tell you the same thing about long-distance relationships:

They suck. Don’t get into them. Waste of time and almost certainly will not work out.

And yet, somehow or another — against all logic — people continue to get into long distance relationships. Even people who HATE them and swear they are the stupidest things in the world meet someone “different” who doesn’t live where they are… and end up succumbing.

The question of course is… why?

Well, it’s pretty simple actually.

When you are away in a different location, or even simply speaking to someone in a different location (like online)… because of the distance, you don’t believe that there is any chance of anything actually happening between the two of you.

You are essentially discounting the possibility of a future connection. And so paradoxically, you drop your guard and open yourself up far more than you would before.

In other words, the long-distance “constraint” allows you to get rid of the usual emotional barriers you put up. You can just “have fun” together because “nothing is going to happen after this.”

This openness is then further amplified by the time-constant of how long you have together, as well as often the novelty of at least one of you being in a new location. It is “romantic” and “exciting.” The emotions of the new experience rub off on the lover as well.

And so, when both of you go back to your normal lives, you start to think about how much better it was when the two of you were together. How much more you connected to each other than the other romantic prospects in your area.

The distance and space only intensifies the idealess of the other, and so you make plans to see each other once again. And again. And again.

Before you know it, you’re in a relationship. And (hopefully) doing something to end the distance once and for all.

So, you might be asking given all of this…

Is getting into a long-distance relationship smart?

Well, I go into this in more detail in my masterclass

But essentially long-distance relationships are OK if they are a) with someone you think you’ll marry and b) have a clear end-date.

Honestly you are immature if you can’t sacrifice a couple months or years to be with someone who you intend to spend the rest of your life with. Yet in the same vein, if this is someone you intend to spend your life with, eliminating the long-distance needs to be your #1 priority. None of this “I’m going to take a job 2000 miles away from my gf but we’re going to make it work.” This is retarded. Unless there is a CLEAR economic need for the two of you to do this, you aren’t serious about her — just pull the plug.

At the end of the day though, whether or not a relationship is worth the sacrifice — and it IS a sacrifice — of being long-distance is based on… wait for it…

The context of the relationship, and the woman herself.

Which means unfortunately you can only decide it on a case-by-case basis.

Some long-distance relationships are DESTINED to fail. The signs are there; and they are obvious to an expert. Others have legs and will most likely succeed, and bear fruit for years to come.

The question is… which one do you have?

You probably don’t know.

But I can assure you after a few conversations with me, you will.

So if you’re in a long-distance relationship with some troubles… or are about to get into one…

Do your due diligence and apply to work with me:

– Pat