One of the most common topics the manosphere LOVES to talk about is the dating market.

When women hit the wall. How many “notches” it takes before a woman can’t pair bond. How likely it is for you to get a divorce. Etc., etc.

It’s a major feature of the “Rollo Pill” or “Black Pill” community to site these stats. Which are then used to argue guys shouldn’t commit to a woman… or should only do so under very specific circumstances (10-20 years younger, virgin, pre-nup etc etc).

But the question is… are they correct?

Well, the answer is…

It depends.

What dating market are you exactly in?

You see, the issue with a lot of these guys is that they throw around these economic terms… but don’t understand a) how markets actually work and b) how statistics are abused.

For instance, let’s say you are shopping for clothes. What’s the quality of clothes you get say at Walmart?

You might, rightly, say that a lot of these clothes are low quality. “Everything I buy there doesn’t fit right and gets destroyed after a couple of days!” You might say, as a result, that the “clothing market” is broken. It only has cheap clothes; you can’t get anything good if you try.

But as many of you are probably inferring, this would actually be incorrect. Because there are many people who would never even consider buying their clothes at Walmart. They get tailored suits, luxury brands. They wear authentic Gucci and Prada. Their clothes might be expensive, but they can afford it. And they don’t have any complaints about what they buy.

Both of these cohorts are buying clothes, but they are not buying the same quality clothes. And so you cannot extrapolate the experiences of one of these markets to another.

The main retort these guys tend to have is that most people don’t shop at the proverbial luxury brands, and so most don’t get high quality clothes. Those individuals are “outliers” — you can’t base your assessment of the overall clothing market based on these exception.

The only problem?

Why would *I* — who shop at only nice stores — give two fucks about the low quality clothing at stores I don’t go to?

Perhaps you are starting to see what I am getting at here.

Yes, the “average dating market” sucks. Not only because there are far too many physically unattractive people in the Western “average” today, but because average people suck at dating. If you are in decent shape, and have standards, discernment, and know how to create attraction, however…

You are essentially shopping at the “luxury stores,” and will have access to more beautiful, emotionally healthy women than you know what to do with.

Because you will not only know how to reject low-quality women out of hand… you will know how to draw in the elite girls, both in character and looks.

The reason most of these other guys dispute these facts is simple: they are average men, and don’t know how to draw in these types of girls.

They are “shopping at the wrong store” — because that is all they can afford.
The good news?

I can teach you to be “rich” so you can afford to “buy” a different caliber of woman.

Obviously, coaching is the most intensive and effective way of doing this.

But I know it’s out of a lot of guys’ price range. And some prefer to simply have the tools, and take the time to implement them on their own.

Which is why I created the masterclass.

It’s over 18 hours, containing all of my core material (with more updates to come soon).

And even better… buying it now gives you access to a community, where you can ask further questions and get the most out of your purchase.

You can buy the course here:

– Pat

PS The masterclass is so important that it’s required material even for coaching clients in order to use our time effectively on calls. So if you decide to do coaching down the road, rest assured your course will be deducted from it.