No need to beat around the bush with this one.

You’ve heard the stats… and if you’re short, likely experienced it in real-life.

Women care about height.If you don’t have it, suffice to say dating is a bit more difficult.

And yet not as difficult as people imagine.

Yes, there’s no question *some* women are going to reject you regardless of what else you do due to a short stature

.(Just like some are going to reject your because you have the “wrong” color hair or features)

But the reason most women “pass” on short guys isn’t so much their height… rather how these guys calibrate their game to this reality.

Put more directly: they run the wrong type of game.

Let me explain why.

Many of you have read my pieces on the Three Pillars of Attraction. Indeed they’re a good overview.

But as time has gone on, my understanding of this system has deepened.

And one of these greater areas of sophistication has been the interplay between preselection and persona.You see, contrary to what you might assume… preselection and persona should NOT “overtly” increase with each other.

Preselection frames passively, while Persona frames actively.

Ergo a high Preselection REQUIRES a more subdued Persona unless you want to trigger very bad sub-communication.

Tall, attractive, wealthy guys in other words benefit enormously from complimenting a girl, if they want to foment desire. They still need their edge… but their edge should be less sharp, as their charm is a more effective way to seduce.

Shorter guys however?

They need to be DICKS.

Over-the-top cocky bastards who are aggressive and think everyone else should get the fuck out of their way.

Because their preselection is low, their persona must compensate.

Which is why all the powerful short guys throughout history have had we call a “napoleon complex.”

They learned, through experience, that if they wanted to be noticed, they had to be EXTRA arrogant. At least until their reputation had been established.Interesting, no?

I think so.

Which is why I made a course filled with 18.5+ hours of such attraction nuances.

Because the truth is… while attraction itself is what it is, YOUR optimal way of being attractive is not.

Inside I show you exactly how to harness your own uniqueness… without wasting time with approaches that NEVER work.

The point is to learn the fundamentals, to become familiar with the colors, with aspect, with shading…

So you can become an artist with women, capable of “painting” your own ideal interactions.

Much better than buying some cheap prefabbed “attraction system” that ends up turning off women because it’s totally misaligned with who you are.

I think so, at least. But up to you.

Some people want to fill their lives with cheap shit even its ugly… just because they only buy things that are cheap.

Anyway, the link to the course is here.

– Pat

PS If working with me 1-1 is more your speed, I’m still accepting applications. Apply here