The other night I was having a call with a client… and we were talking about one of the more favorite topics of late.

Tier 2 vs Tier 1 dating.

Now, I’m not going to go much into that topic right now.

A blog post on the Tiers of dating will be out very, very soon…

But, a teaser.

Because the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2 harkens back to a book I’m sure many of you in the entrepreneur / self-improvement space have heard about.

One I personally didn’t enjoy (not because of the content, but the writing) which has nevertheless transformed the field of self-improvement.

Think And Grow Rich

A quick bit of background on the book:

In the 1920s, Napoleon Hill, the author, was a wee up-and-coming journalist when he was commissioned (I believe by Henry Ford or J.P. Morgan) to find the secret to what made men successful.

So he went around and talked to all the successful businessmen, financiers, entrepreneurs… about what took their lives from sometimes poverty to the very top crust of the world.

The takeaways?

Visualization and belief in their destiny.

(A major element of my coaching is working on this belief, because it’s more powerful than you can comprehend)

And the other one: sexual transmutation of energy. Now, this one was a big more controversial. Because at first glance, it’s quite esoteric.

“You mean don’t have sex if you want to get things done?”

Well friends, no need to be dogmatic… but it is true… the “release” from ejaculation does tend to leave you a bit “empty” and deflated…Channeling your sexual energy away from sex (especially masturbation) to your vision is a recipe for energy and focus.

But interestingly, it applies to your vision of women too.

Understand, what I’m about to say is extremely controversial.

It goes against pretty much all conventional wisdom in this field.

But if you want to get the best women, you need to date less women.

Yes — when you are dating a lot of women, there are benefits. Women can sense you have options, and that you are not putting girls on a pedestal.

You might even say it’s a crucial aspect of the shift from “getting no girls” to dating successfully.

But moving from Tier 2 to Tier 1 isn’t about quantity.

You already have that. (Or the ability to get it, at least)

It’s about minimizing your distractions and having your sexual energy and intuition concentrated to a lower number of girls.


Women can sense when your bandwidth is strained. And the Tier 1 girls — the ones with self-respect — don’t fall for players.

Not because much of what players do isn’t attractive, but because these women know when a bidder isn’t serious and don’t want to waste their time.

You need to show these women you want them.

Not just a pretty face for a fling.

Make sense?

Unfortunately, implementing isn’t quite so easy.

Because it requires a completely different level of understanding yourself and your own behavior… as well as reading the behavior of women around you.

The good news?

I teach it.

And the result for the clients I’ve worked with so far has been nothing short of revelatory.

Getting girls is fine… and I can certainly help you do that.

But getting the right girls?

Other guys just don’t teach this. Because they don’t know.

And it shows.

(How many non-soy dating coaches are in relationships? not many…)

Anyway, if you want to learn what they lack and get a top 10% romance… apply here:

– Pat