This is going to be a bit of a serious email for youz guys.

But, want to talk to you about something very important.

When you start on the self-improvement journey, it’s usually a very small, specific issue that catches your attention.

For me, and so many of you, this is usually something simple and natural like “I want to learn how to attract women.”

The choice requires you to change, but not necessarily change everything in your life.

You can still keep your job and your friends, you are just dipping your toes into a different area.

But what guys miss is that little by little… as part of you changes, the rest of you starts to change too.

Your confidence improves. Your standards sharpen. And your ambitions mature.It’s a process of burning “deadwood,” as Jordan Peterson says.

But the real challenge isn’t so much this personal evolution, which is overwhelmingly positive (if scary), but what it means for the rest of your life.


You start to outgrow people.

Sometimes people who have been very close to you. “Deadwood” that wasn’t simply taking up space, but supporting the actual beams of yourself.

Scaffolding, so to speak.

Understand, it’s relatively easy to “next” people when they become disloyal and rude to you as you grow.

(Read: Why You Should Ditch Old Friends)

But separating from people who there for you when you were low… yet refuse to grow themselves, despite your best efforts to bring them on the journey with you…

This is extremely difficult to manage if you’re someone with any sort of ethics and loyalty.

It’s likely to give you enormous amounts of guilt, as you feel the instinctual need to move on.

What to do?

Unfortunately my dear friends, for once, I don’t have any “clear cut” procedures for you.

Be patient and supportive of them as best you can, and give them as much time and energy as you can reasonably muster to spur them onward.

But if they don’t change, or at least embrace your changes, understand:

Eventually you *will* move on from them. You don’t really have a choice in this. Your energies become increasingly different and will start to clash or feel unfamiliar.

Your chemistry will diffuse.

That’s the thing about growth. At a certain point it’s not up to us.

I consider it associated with the daemon, as Jung would say.

A mission or purpose beyond us; growth being the vehicle that takes us there. Which is why I have a belief in “predetermination” or at least “preselection.”

(not to be confused with the pillar of attraction, I mean being “selected” for a calling)

Many of you on this list have a calling for something greater in life.

You know it and I know it.

Because if you didn’t, there’s very little chance you’d be here.

Now, you may not know EXACTLY what that calling is yet.

And that’s cool.

Think of it like an ocean, and growth like a stream.

You don’t have to know exactly where the ocean is to get to it. So long as you stay in the stream you’ll eventually reach it.

(You’ll start to feel momentum when that stream flows into a river, and get your first whiff of “why you’re here” when you smell that sea air)

And the main thing that keeps you on track when you don’t “know” where you’re going?

Your intuition.

Because intuition is the signal informing you if your boat is still in the river and hasn’t run aground.

Look, you can stop for a bit.

A few months, maybe even a few years…

But take too long, and eventually you’ll miss the ship waiting for you at the sea.

And your little boat isn’t going to be enough to take you on the open ocean.

You’ll have missed your chance.

And believe me, it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Other opportunities may arise, but some are really once in a lifetime.

Which is why, while I understand prudence in making big financial decisions…

I *don’t* understand hesitation on doing things that are guaranteed to level up areas of your life.

Things like working with me on your love life.

It’s like choosing to take a trip down-river on a plank of wood instead of a speed boat… when down-river is a pile of gold waiting for you.

It’s gonna be way more rough and way more slow, dude.


What I teach you with women isn’t just going to open doors in that area, but across your life.

How do I know?

Because me, and all my top clients who really mastered this stuff aren’t simply doing well with the ladies… but creating lives that are really in the top 1%, both from a financial and quality of life perspective.

Yes, tactics are good to learn, and yes I *will* teach you them.

But the “game changing” stuff is the internal work, which I specialize in.

Women become easy once you master yourself.

In fact, life in general does.

Money comes easy, opportunities abound…

Because little by little… fear starts to leave your life, replaced by endless optimism and confidence.

Anyway, I think you get the picture.

If you’re ready to experience the good life, apply here:

– Pat