Gonna keep this one short and sweet since we don’t need no frills around it.

Maybe some of you saw my tweet from the other day:

“If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, make a happy woman your life.”

Well, that right there is the #1 Trait to look for when choosing a woman to be with.

Now, I know it might seem a bit simple to say such a thing.

After all… there are so many different variables… femininity, values, fitness…

Why does this one stand out?


Happy people are easy to be around (unless of course, YOU’RE the unhappy person).

They deal with challenging situations lightheartedly.

They bring warmth and joy to the home.

Overall, happy women are less demanding and act like less of a burden… indeed, they function as a relief.

Case closed then, right?

Unfortunately no. Because happy women get chosen less than your might think.

The reason being: most men are insecure and fucked up.

They don’t want a girl who is in a good place and pleasant to be around.

(no matter what they larp about online)

What they want is a fucked up girl who has problems that they alone can solve.

They want to be the hero.


Someone who FIXES the girl’s unhappiness.

Pretty stupid, no?

Well… welcome to the mind of the average guy.

The truth is most men don’t value their emotional energy in relationships. They seek out difficult and broken women because fixing these women makes them feel whole.

They go up to these women, offering up their life force… asking to be drained (I mean this in many ways)

And they wonder why they get used and abused.

Happy women exist, but the modern man is a masochist and doesn’t want a woman who doesn’t need him… a woman who has her own life force.

He isn’t looking for yang, he’s looking for someone to drain him of yin.

He wants to be empty.

And unhappy women, being succubi by nature, are happy to provide this.

Anyway, I don’t want to get too esoteric with this.

Just trying to make the point:

Most guys are their own worst enemy when it comes to selecting quality women.

They are vain, with egos and urges that are open to manipulation.

Don’t be one of these guys.

There is always a cost to short term decisions.

The worst thing you can do to yourself as a man is shackle yourself to an emotional corpse.

Hear me well: life will get hard, and if she is a drain on your soul, you won’t accede to the great heights you’re capable of.

Women can make you or break you.

Underestimate this at your peril.

You need to learn to read women if you’re going to survive this game.

Whether her presence is a cool glass of water or a scalding pot of acid.

And to do this you need to look beneath the veneer.

Because many, many unhappy women feign happiness around a man who offers them an escape.

(As we talked about yesterday… a fantasy.)

If you misconstrue her happiness around her fantasy as her baseline happiness… just wait and see what happens you commit.

(Major reason holding out commitment matters for these girls: once her fantasy becomes reality, it disappears)

Anyway, this is advanced stuff. Hence why working with me is not for everyone.

Don’t bother applying if you’re not curious and prepared to make big investments in yourself (I ain’t cheap): www.patstedman.com/application

– Pat